Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!

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Hello and welcome. I am so glad you are here! I am Xelanas. I create original art in many different styles and media and then hand draw symbols to create lovely one-of-a-kind tarot cards. With wild colors and beautiful illustrations, you and your clients/friends will be wowed. My designs include photographs, drawings, paintings from abstract to realistic, and multi media. I am highly inspired by nature, hence the title, "Nature of Life Tarot." Through careful observation, I have preserved the esoteric meaning and symbolism of the traditional tarot decks. Each minor arcana card is decorated with a numeric symbol and its corresponding elemental symbol (air, earth, fire, water=swords, pentacles, rods, cups). Each major arcana is donned with a special symbol, many including magic symbols. I know you will enjoy this deck, and it is my sheer pleasure to offer it to you through MakePlayingCards.

Playing Cards

Nature of Life Tarot