Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!

RJFD Strategic Strategy Designs LLC Shop Space

Robert J F Dimler

The shop offers a limited edition custom prototype Military Statergy Poker card game,consists of 54 cards,rules Plain white box or customized box that challenges your mind playing with others for points or money. Ages: Adults only. Its a (C) MPC Military Poker Chess Game of War for advanced poker player as an game of Neoteric Strategy , extremely entertaining.

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck24

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck23

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck1

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck25

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck18

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #1

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck14

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck12

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck11

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #24

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck26

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #26

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #14

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck22

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck39

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #18

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck10

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck36

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck13

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #12

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck3

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #11

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck34

Playing Cards

(C) MPC 54 Deck #2

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #23

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck9

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck7

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck4

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck21

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck2

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck15

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck37

Playing Cards


Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck19

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck45

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck5

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck38

Playing Cards

Military Poker Cards Game Deck6

Playing Cards

(C)MPC Deck #8

Playing Cards

Military Poker Chess Game Deck40