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Gail Sawyer

The short, I re-invented myself in sobriety 24+ years ago. I am a Jacquiline of all trades, mistress to none. I wear many hats and some fit me better on certain days than on others. Herbalist, Massage Therapist, Master Gardener, Reiki master, Yoga and Tai Chi practitioner. Card Slinger, Mother, and Crone of ye olde ways to name just a few. Studied with The Denali Institute of Northern Traditions attaining Runester status in Rune skills and Northern Lore in 2004-2007. I'm working on a write up of the runes--a little white book--if you will, to go with the cards. A link will be posted at a near future date to be announced on my IG site. Stay tuned.

Playing Cards

Travl'r Runes