Over 40 Years in the Games Printing Industry. No minimum order!



All decks have been a result of years of creations, channeling, and esoteric study. Each deck is dedicated to a particular series of sigils and visionary works comprised of various sculptures, mixed-media, fine, and digital art pieces. Decks are made with high-quality card stock options and professionally designed in Illustrator as well as Photoshop before completing in MPC's design platform. Kelli takes pride in her work and unconventional background of many different skill sets, including graphic design. It has taken many years to get to this point and many sacrifices for her and those around her, navigating a world that has often been at odds with her being on the Autism Spectrum. As a result, an intense focus has led to lights in the dark via creative spirituality and introspection meeting what you will come to expect in a large body of work released over time in the form of these one-of-a-kind decks.

Playing Cards

Linears Zodiac Oracle Deck