Kimmie BjeringAffirmations cards you can use together with tarot decks or alone its nice to get some more answers regarding to persons in your life, and the new one is telling you what kind of personality, you are dealing with, would'nt it be nice to know
Card games to spice up your relationship
And there will be another one affirmation deck, but with who are you dealing with, what kind of personality
Engelsk, What do they want you to know
Engelsk, What personality are you dealing
Dansk- Soulmates
Engelsk, Oracel what you need to know
Engelsk, wake up call, good advice,
Dansk, vågn op, det gode råd
Dansk, reflektere, kig indad, vågn op
Engelsk, You really need to hear this deck 2
DanskHvilken krystal passer dig
Dansk - hvad din person tænker
Dansk-hvad vil de gerne - du ska
Engelsk, Time for reflection- look inside
Engelsk, What crystal will be good-
Dansk - du er nødt til at høre dette
Engelsk, Spice your relationship up
Dansk,hvad har du brug for at vide
Engelsk, Affirmations cards, what does your partner think about you
Dansk, hvilken personlighed har du med at gøre