Lorna JacksonThis deck of cards contains 53 cards with four different themed categories. The 22 Major Arcana have been redesigned with modern images that reflect contemporary themes. They have been paired with Spiritual cards, Therapy cards and 4 Elemental cards make up this unique deck. To help make learning to read and understand the cards easier I have included upright prompts with both upright and reverse prompts on the Major Arcana cards.
It is great to see that there is a revival of interest in the tarot today, as more people are becoming interested in spirituality and self-awareness. The rising generations are discovering the tarot and oracle cards which is wonderful to observe. I have been interested in tarot cards for as long as I can remember, eventually becoming a professional reader.
This card deck comes with a companion ebook available to download. All information to download the ebook is on the info card that is in the deck. You will love this deck as it suitable for everyone.