Aimee1 color for each player. A total of 14 rounds. Each round you choose a trump card color and bid on how many plays you'll win in that round. The first card played determines the color to be played. YOU MAY NOT PLAY THE TRUMP COLOR until it has been played in a hand for the first time. If you have the color played you MUST play it. If you don't have it and you have a TRUMP card, you MUST play it. If you don't have the color or a Trump card you may play any card of your choosing. The person with the highest card of the first color played wins the trick.
Each deal you deal one less card until you are down to 1 card. You earn 1 pt for each trick won then the total is compared to the players' corresponding bid. If the Bid and the tricks are equal, add an extra 10 points but if you won less than what you bid you only receive 1 pt for each win. If you bid zero and win zero you get an extra 15 points. If you bid zero and win any tricks you lose 10 points. Email me for scoring sheets.