Lennan SmithTarot and oracle decks are a way to connect to many aspects of living. With the structure of tarot, one can join the Fool on the journey of life through the major arcana to the emotions, passions, mental capabilities and work found in the minor arcana. Using numerology, occultism, zodiac and astrology, tarot has many layers in which to tap for ultimate illumination. Oracle cards, maybe with their keywords, phrases or affirmations, help to clarify situations found in the everyday and in that unknown realm where most strive to find answers. One day readings, along with tarot readings or just as art cards, oracle decks are perfect for simplifying the blessings and hardships encountered.
Whether you use tarot or oracle cards, you're sure to find something to your liking in the shop.
For more information on the decks for sale, follow Lennan Smith on YouTube.

Wild Essence Thoth Tarot

Wild Essence Thoth Tarot (suit words)

Statues Tarot

Quin. Thoth 2nd Ed. KEYWORDS

Noble Art Tarot REAL

Bell, Book, and Candle Oracle

Wild Nature, Wild You Oracle 2nd Edition

Wild Essence Thoth Tarot BETTER FONT

Quintessential 2nd Edition

Cemetery Shadows Oracle

Quintessential Thoth MINI

Dirty Offering Oracle

Luminescent ORACLE

Emblem Oracle MINI shrink-wrapped

Emblem Oracle MINI TIN

Emblem Oracle JUMBO

Dirty Offering Oracle MINI