Mei-Lin D FungThe Impact Network Project Repository is a simple, user-friendly database for Social Impact Projects to be sustainable, share and learn and get funded. We are developing a network of local freelance journalists who will be trained to document and assess the project characteristics and metrics that are being entered into an assessment metric. These freelancers will also be able to verify project outcomes to see if they were in line with project projections. Thus, for the first time, investors will have a low-cost, real-time method for verifying both project assessment inputs and outputs.
The IEEE ICSIM (Social Impact Measurement) working group is developing a meta rubric to compare every existing or future project no matter what rubric it is assessed under. The meta rubric allows for transparency and comparability and avoids the duplication of effort.
These playing cards reflect the new "network competencies" needed to work with others successfully in a globally connected world