Gifted SoulWelcome to GiftedSoul's Channeled Creations where you have a plethera of specially designed spiritual tools to provide clarity in all aspects of your life. These cards are all channeled messages sent to me from a divine source.
More About Me: GiftedSoul is a psychic clairvoyant, life coach and spiritualist who has helped hundreds of people with almost 9 years of professional experience. Like many others, I knew I was different from a very young age and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I started going through certain things as an adult. I had expereiences as a child, but I never understood why I could hear, see and feel beyond what most were able to. God blessed me with these gifts to not only share with the world, but to also provide my own inner being with healing and growth. Hundreds of clients and readings later, I had no idea I'd still be doing this, but I know now more than ever that this is apart of my life's purpose.
**NOTE** Cards available on etsy as well!
Twinflame (Unspoken Truths ) *Revised correctly for sale*
Lovers Dream Oracle Revised Correctly-For sale
Love On The Brain Oracle
To The Point Oracle
Divine Treasures oracle
Love U Affirmations
Feelings Galore Oracle (Vol 2)
Feelings Galore Love Oracle-Revised
evil eye detector Oracle
All that Glitters Tarot
True Love Messages Oracle
-Clarity Now Oracle**
Loveuation Oracle **Volume 1**
Loveuation Volume two*
-Dream Catcher Affirmations-
*Ex On The Brain Oracle*