Follow Your Own RhythmI find oracle decks to be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual guidance and I wanted to share this tool with you! I initially created these decks for myself as I needed a way to receive guidance in moments when I was confused, lost, disconnected, disempowered, doubting my intuition, or needed clarity about my situation, and it turned out to be SUCH a helpful tool with such accurate guidance. So I decided to make them into actual oracle decks so you can utilize them as well! I also use them in readings with clients and the messages are always so accurate. I really hope it serves you, and I appreciate your support! <3 More decks to come soon :)
Messages from the Universe Oracle Deck
Self-Empowerment Oracle Deck
True Love Oracle Deck
Physical Characteristics Oracle Deck
Where Will You Meet? Oracle Deck
Personality Traits Oracle Deck