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Oracle and Tarot by Shari Shop Space

Shari Sifuentes

Welcome to my shop! I hope you enjoy the decks I've created. I have designed my decks to fill small spaces where other decks have not met my needs and I generally use keywords on the cards because I have a terrible memory and my intuition likes to connect with keywords.

Playing Cards

Crystal Guidance Oracle

Playing Cards

Modern Lenormand Oracle

Playing Cards

Easter Lenormand

Playing Cards

Chakra Oracle Deck

Playing Cards

Spirit Advice for Your Relations

Playing Cards

Flower Oracle Part 2

Playing Cards

Day of the Dead Tarot

Playing Cards

Self-Care Activities Deck

Playing Cards

Root Chakra Affirmations for Your Relationship

Playing Cards

Empathic Oracle

Playing Cards

Day of the Dead Lenormand

Playing Cards

Sacral Chakra Affirmations for Your Relationship Deck

Playing Cards

Sabbat: Lammas Oracle

Playing Cards

Flower Oracle Part 1

Playing Cards

Sabbats: Ostara

Playing Cards

Sabbat: Litha Oracle

Playing Cards

Financial Abundance Affirmation

Playing Cards

Sabbat: Yule Oracle

Playing Cards

Sabbats: Beltane Oracle

Playing Cards

Sabbat: Samhain Oracle

Playing Cards

Sabbats: Imbolc

Playing Cards

Sabbats: Mabon Oracle

Playing Cards

Day of the Dead Divine Timing