Christopher StrattonHere are some cards I have made to think about the future. Ive been into cards like The Tarot or The Lenormand for a while, and used them to sit down and think about my life. No matter how you feel about them magic wise, Ive found them to be a pretty useful tool of introspection.
These cards are designed to be a tool like that, but removed from the stricter rules, meanings and history of the Tarot. They are just little jumping off points for a chat with yourself.
You can sit with yourself on a dark and stormy night with a candle or two (light flames responsibly) or on the beach on a sunny day. You can have a picnic with a friend or bust them out after a lonely dinner with the rains and wind howling. No matter where or with who - do it with an open mind and heart. Intentions are important and Ive found that an honest and earnest desire to consider your future and past and present all tied up together makes for the clearest and most emotionally provocative readings.