Ballast TarotBallast Tarot is an esoteric deck with original art inspired by pathworking and the correspondences that influenced the Thoth and Waite-Smith decks.
A flip-through is available on you tube. Links are not allowed here, but it comes up when you search Ballast Tarot.
Ink and markers. Black and white majors with single color minors: red Wands, blue Cups, gold/sepia Swords, green Disks.
Cards show the paths of the majors on the hermetic Tee of Life and the decan dates of the minors. The six page booklet outlines symbols on the cards.
This deck isn't meant to be a first tarot unless you're feeling adventurous, since majors are numbered but not titled; minors' titles relate to descriptions of the sephiroth. (i.e. the 2 of Wands is Wisdom of Will; the 2 of Cups is Wisdom of Love)
I hope this deck is of use to you. May you be well, happy, and peaceful.