Rakhem SekuThe Seku Numerology system is an astrological and numerology system based on the 9 Universal Laws of Manifestation. The applications include defining planetary movements and identifying the energy of days, months, years, and corresponding lunar and solar cycle aspects. The system also helps define the MIND, SPIRIT, and BODY aspects of each person so that they know their personal tendencies and not just the universal astrology around them.
The Bagua Oracle uses these nine Universal laws, as expressed by archetypes:
The Bagua Astrology Oracle has similar ties to the I Ching oracle system as each of the archetypes aligns with a hexagram.
An 8-page pamphlet is included with the Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition. A booklet is available for both the Bagua Oracle Moon Phase and DELUXE editions. The book can be found on Amazon - The Bagua Astrology Oracle Interpretation Guide.
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box - BLACK
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box BLUE
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box PURPLE
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box - SKY BLUE
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box - YELLOW
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box - RED v2
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box GREEN
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + ORANGE BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + DARK RED BACK
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box WHITE
Bagua Oracle HOUSE Edition - Rigid Box ORANGE
Bagua Oracle Moon Phase DELUXE Edition
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + PURPLE BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + SKY BLUE BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + BLACK BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + YELLOW BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + GREEN BACK
Bagua Moon Phase Edition - COLORED + WHITE BACK