AnnaThis deck was launched at midnight on October's Full Moon Eclipse, closest to Samhain: MAGICKAL GUIDANCE CARDS, for an inspired spiritual and witchcraft practice.
All photos were made in the evening or at night, over the course of a full year.
The result is a deck of beautiful dark, jewel-toned images.
I wanted the pack to be potent, so the Spell card shows a real spell, it's real blood in the Blood card, I really did ritually break something in the Destroy card, etc.
Every image is infused with magick.
90 cards, no booklet (I have an Official Screen Shot Guide for the Uniform Backs version in the Stories on my Instagram profile - search Astral Lady Tarot), shrink wrapped to keep the costs as low as possible, travel size; a highly useable call-to-action deck. No fuss, no extra, no nonsense - just cards.
It's witching hour; time to mix it up.

Magickal Guidance Cards Lilith version by Astral Lady Tarot

Anna's Vintage Colors PockeTarot

Magickal Guidance Cards LINEN STOCK by Astral Lady Tarot

Magickal Guidance Cards Blank Card version by Astral Lady Tarot

Magickal Guidance Cards Uniform Backs version by Astral Lady Tarot

Magickal Guidance Cards PLASTIC STOCK by Astral Lady Tarot