Angel BrynnerAOLAB Active-Art Decks are a series of 10 interactive books [active-art-books] created by author/artist Angel Brynner. Not a traditional art book on a table, this ART work wishes to dance in your palms, to be played with, in motion, the way it was created. The art will activate & speak to you through your own energy. Every time you shuffle the cards you choose your own adventure!
You decide what you need to see in the words & imagery!
A 21st century riff on 15th century Trionfi cards (purified precursors to Tarot cards), AOLAB Active Art deck fronts feature selections from the 1000+ AOLAB Collage Collection made in the USA, Mexico, Canada, & the Caribbean during exhibitions, art residencies, retreats & regular gigs to build out the literary universe for the Grievechronic dark fantasy series. Each card back is bluntly scrawled with the love-fueled, course-corrective head-pops received by the artist from elder Creatives over 30+ years on the road as a bona fide ARTHEAD.

AOLAB- Deluge Active-Art deck

AOLAB Blackwater Active-Art deck

AOLAB-Flesh active-art deck

AOLAB Overflow Active-Art deck

AOLAB-Eden Active-Art deck

AOLAB Bone Active-Art deck

AOLAB-Zenith Active-Art deck

AOLAB-Halcyon active art Deck

AOLAB-Blood Active-Art deck

-AOLAB-Zion Active-Art deck