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The Professions of Joy Shop Space

Jack Kirven

Here you can purchase the supplemental oracle decks for the class and book entitled "The 49 Professions of Joy." Jack Kirven created The 49 Professions of Joy as an immersive chakra alignment therapy workshop. From there he wrote and published the supplemental colorful art book of the same name. It collects the haiku, poetry, professions, and affirmations from class into a text with accompanying descriptive prose. Jack then developed four separate decks of oracle cards. "The Projections of Joy" offers new content that suggests ways of implementing the content in the book. "The Perceptions of Joy" pull the haiku together, so they can be interpreted rather than explained. "The Professions of Joy: Deck" focuses on the affirmations from the book. And "The Intersections of Joy" draws attention specifically to the abstract nature of the ways in which the chakras touch each other, giving the reader a chance to delve within themself to discover their own connections and realizations.

Playing Cards


Playing Cards


Playing Cards


Playing Cards
